My Weekly Adventures....
Hello Everyone
As you can probably tell I have Blogging block (I know, it's terrible!). I can't think of what to write, review or talk about so I thought hmm maybe I should invite you into my personal life and tell all the fabulous, fun things I have been doing on the school holidays. (I can almost hear the excitement as you read this)... but be warned! My life is incredibly B-O-R-I-N-G.
Ok, So during the first week of these fabulous holiday my bed was my best friend, Derek Shepard was my boyfriend and Tumblr was my life. And I know your probably thinking wow she is layzeeee and your probably right..... still this is what I literally do in the first week of school holidays, I relax and watch TV online. Except when my internet cut off, I guess you could say I was lost with my life, however this didn't stop me from watching YouTube videos and being a little bit uncomfortable with Miley Cyrus's Wrecking Ball. So anyway, that is my fabulous first week completed and in a way it was terrible because Grey's Anatomy has officially taken over my life!
Which brings me into second week, the final week before school begins (ugh). This week consisted of more Grey's Anatomy since the new season came out! (Was anyone else as excited as me? Leave a comment below!) as well as the eager wait for Vampire Diaries and the Breaking Bad Finale. But it wasn't all TV, there was a party on the Wednesday or as my friend liked to call an 'Intimate Get Together'. It was amazing with a lot of food and the beach. But since we had to walk to the beach, guess who forgot their shoes?... Me, so rocks were digging into my feet and they were very painful at the end of the night. I also go to see one of my good friends that I hadn't seen for a long time. It was an amazing night... and in case any of you's were wondering, no, there was no alcohol and no one got wasted or anything like that. AHA!
And now we are at present time, as I am typing, Vampire Diaries is downloading, Elementary is downloading, Grey's Anatomy is downloading, Tumblr is loading and I am in my bed with the air-con on full blast ready for an exciting night of new TV my self. #foreveralone
So there we have it! My exciting holiday before the dreaded school starts! I would love to hear what all of you have been getting up to on these school holidays or maybe where you are going next holidays?
Leave it in the comments below!
Thank you for reading!